Latest News from Newealth

1 Nov 2016

Professional Investment Management: Lessons from 50 years

As a rule we do not billboard/advertise professional fund management teams but given that we have been recommending this institution to our clients for 26 of the past 50 years it is worth reviewing their results.

Since December 1976 the Perpetual Industrial Share Fund has returned 212 times the initial investment and delivered a 92.0% return net of fees above the index to June 2016.

That is a remarkable performance and helps to highlight the value that you are buying when you hire a top team of professional fund managers.

WARNING, past performance is no guarantee of future performance and the ability of top professional investment management teams to outperform their respective index/benchmark in not guaranteed. Most importantly, this does not constitute Personal Advice.

We have attached 8 lessons that the team of professional fund managers at Perpetual have learnt over the past 50 years of investing in Australian listed companies.

It is a great read.


At Newealth we are always looking to support and promote our clients wherever possible and if you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to email me or to call me on +61 2 9267 2322.

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