Latest News from Newealth

25 Jun 2018

Billionaires- Determination

You do not normally associate failure with billionaires but the reality is that blow ups and failures are a key ingredient for becoming a billionaire.

In a few days we will close another financial year and in your own way you will reflect on whether it was a good, a bad or an indifferent year.

Irrespective of the result it will become the past and the opportunity to do something special will begin again on the 1st July.

Click for a list of failures.


21 Jun 2018

Newealth FSG & CG (July 2018)

We have updated the Financial Services Guide and Credit Guide and notify clients that the minimum Ongoing Advice fee will increase from 1st July 2018.

There is good news, it will not affect the majority of clients.

However, for some clients it will result in an increased cost and we will be in contact with them to discuss options for continuing the professional service versus placing it on pause and removing the Ongoing Advice fee.

For more details, click ‘Newealth FSG & CG’ or alternatively go to the FINANCIAL SERVICES GUIDE & CREDIT GUIDE link at bottom of the page.


18 Jun 2018

Market Cycles: Bull Market

The current bull market in the United States has been termed the ‘Post-Crisis Bull Run’ and is officially the second longest since the end of World War II.

Begging in March 2009 is has been running for 112 months and the S&P 500 has increased 302%.

Attached are charts comparing the current bull run against the record 1990’s great expansion.

Click for charts.

If you are asking, can the current bull run go longer? The answer is yes.

If you are asking, will the current bull run bust? The answer is yes.

We are likely coming to the end game in the current cycle and so remember, when fear and panic take hold during this next financial catastrophe, investors will be presented with the opportunity to buy more quality assets at discounted prices.


14 Jun 2018

Megatrends: Future of Employment

Digital disruption is here and it is fascinating to see its impact on the Australian workforce and how knowledge works are helping to drive our economic prosperity.

The chart pack shows occupations and industries in ascension and in decline and what is clear is the fact that of the 12,505,200 workers in Australia (ABS, April 2018) almost thirty percent or 3,688,000 net jobs were added in just the last 18 years to February 2018.

Click for charts.


7 Jun 2018

Double Trouble

ETFs or Exchange Traded Funds are marketable securities that track an index or a commodity or a bond or a basket of assets.

They are inexpensive and have been an extremely popular investment tool over the past 10 years.

The problem is that they are a synthetic, an engineered financial product that rarely holds any quantity of the underlying asset for which performance it tracks.

A question for you.

When the next financial catastrophe hits would you rather own the physical security such as the ordinary shares in a listed company or a mimic of that physical security?

This problem is well known and the fuel has been the insane focus on reducing investment cost at all cost which has expanded ETFs in the same way that hot air expands a balloon.

Click to read.

We are likely coming to the end game in the current cycle and so remember, when fear and panic take hold during this next financial catastrophe, investors will be presented with the opportunity to buy more quality assets at discounted prices.


4 Jun 2018

Taxation: EOFY

With only 4 weeks left to 30 June 2018, now is the time to complete any final outstanding taxation arrangements for this financial year.

To help, we have attached a tax return checklist with some handy tips for reference.

For questions, we refer you to your Accountant who is expert in all matters taxation.

Click for checklist.


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