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29 Jan 2018

Asset Class Returns: The last 37 years…

Morning all and what a terrific year 2017 was for all those clients who took/retained risk in their investment strategy.

The year ending 31 December 2017 has again resulted in growth assets (defined as property and shares) taking out the top two spots for the calendar year.

Australian shares delivered a double digit return for the second year in a row and again it was not good enough to be the best performing asset class in 2017 which won by international shares (see attached).

WARNING, past performance is no guarantee of future performance and these index return figures do not reflect the ability of top professional investment management teams to outperform their respective index/benchmark. Most importantly, the above does not constitute Personal Advice.

Please also note that these figures do not show the opportunity for a client to buy low and add to their investment holding when an asset class is out of favour which in turn will accelerate the rate of return well above the index performance.


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