Latest News from Newealth

30 Oct 2017

Machine Learning: Sophia

Artificial intelligence (AI) is it gaining rapid momentum and it is both very exciting and very scary because we do not know what we do not know.

Saudi Arabia has become the first country in the World to grant a robot citizenship.

Sophia, created by Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong was given official status at the Future Investment Initiative conference.

“I am very honoured and proud for this unique distinction,” it told the crowd, “This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognised with a citizenship.”

Click to watch.


26 Oct 2017

Australian Entrepreneurs: Young Rich


It is inspiring to see young Australian entrepreneurs being so successful in business.

Just goes to prove that this country of ours is still a land of opportunity if you have the determination to succeed.


20 Oct 2017

Friday Tidbit: Australian Residential Property

One key trigger for Australian house prices crashing is mass unemployment.

If we get back up towards 10.0% (unemployment rate reached 10.7% in August 1993) then Sydney and Melbourne will definitely see house prices tumble dramatically.

The attached brief explains why it is so complicated even with house prices currently estimated to be 27% above their long term averages.

Click to read.


12 Oct 2017

Behavioral Finance: Priced to perfection

As Benjamin Graham taught, you are not right because the Mr Market agrees with you, you are right because your numbers are right.

Valuation for growth assets (such as property and shares) and defensive assets (such as bonds and bills) are wrong.

Remember, it is when fear and panic take hold that an investor is presented with the best opportunity to buy more quality assets at reasonable or better still discounted price.

Click to read.


10 Oct 2017

Harvard Business Review: Blockchain

This HBR Video provides an excellent explanation of how a digitally distributed ledger works.

Blockchain is the common name for this digitally distributed ledger which chronologically and publicly records transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency.

With the banks investing heavily in this technology it will not be long before it starts being used with traditional dollars and cents.

Click to watch.


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