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8 Mar 2017

Getting Rich: Seven cures for a lean purse

In 1926 George S Clason first published a famous series of pamphlets on thrift and financial success using parables from ancient Babylonian clay tablets.

These pamphlets were latter incorporated into his book, The Richest Man in Babylon and the following seven cures for a lean purse are from that book-

  1.  Start thy purse to fattening
  2.  Control thy expenditures
  3.  Make thy gold multiply
  4.  Guard thy treasures from loss
  5.  Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment
  6.  Insure a future income
  7.  Increase thy ability to earn

Attached is a contemporary version on the steps to getting rich which makes you stop and think.

Other than the phrasing, has anything really changed over the past 8,000 years when it comes to the core principles for accumulating wealth!


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