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8 Aug 2018

World Population Growth: Numbers

Yesterday, the 7th August 2018 Australia’s population reached and passed 25 million residents.

History tell us that Australia was first discovered by the Aboriginals, then by the Dutch in 1606 and then by Great Britain when James Cook landed in 1770 and the subsequent establishment of the penal colony of New South Wales on the 26 January 1788.

It has taken 230 years to reach 25,000,000 residents.

In terms of total global population which is around 7,635,000,000 Australia’s numbers are a minor, not insignificant but minor.

The more interesting story is how will population numbers and the scarcity of natural resources play out over the next 3 decades as global population numbers rise to a forecast 9.4 billion individuals?

Click for top 10 countries with highest population.


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