Latest News from Newealth

9 Aug 2018

The Wisdom of Great Investors: 7 insights

Kerr Neilson is one of Australia’s very best PM (Portfolio Managers) and here he shares 7 insights on successful active investing. He also is one of Australia’s billionaires.

What you need to know to invest-

  1. Think about how the world is likely to be
  2. It is the competitors response that matters most
  3. Learn to deal with the media overload
  4. Anchor decision on fact, not momentum
  5. Be aware of limitations of financial modelling
  6. Great investors continually build their knowledge
  7. Humility

Knowing this, just remember that it is when fear and panic take hold that an investor is presented with the best opportunity to buy more quality assets at reasonable or better still discounted prices.

Click to read.


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