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13 Dec 2019

Friday Tidbit: Rules for Success

The end of 2019 is fast approaching and as your thoughts turn to next year we thought it opportune to share the 8 ‘rules for success’ that Marc Randolph (Co-Founder of Netflix) received from his Father at age 21.

‘Rules for Success’

  1.  Do at least 10% more than you are asked.
  2.  Never ever to anybody, present as fact opinions on things you don’t know. Takes great care and discipline.
  3.  Be courteous and considerate always – up and down.
  4.  Don’t knock, don’t complain – stick to constructive, serious criticism.
  5.  Don’t be afraid to make decisions when you have the facts on which to make them.
  6.  Quantify where possible.
  7.  Be open-minded but skeptical.
  8.  Be prompt.


Click to read.


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