Latest News from Newealth

7 May 2020

Up to a 50% guaranteed return: Superannuation Co-contribution for 30 June 2020

The Federal Government Co-contribution was introduced from 1 July 2003 as an initiative to encourage low to middle income earners to save for their retirement within superannuation.

If you make a contribution of up to $1,000 into your superannuation account before 30 June 2020, the Federal Government will add an additional sum provided that you are earning less than $53,564 this financial year.

The table below shows you how much the Federal Government will contribute for various amounts.


If your total
income is:

…and you make
personal contributions of:
…then the maximum Government
co-contribution is:

$38,564 or less

$1,000 $500


$800 $400




$47,564 $400


$50,564 $200


$53,564 or more $0



WARNING, this does not constitute Personal Advice. To discuss if this is an appropriate strategy for your given circumstances please do not hesitate to contact us directly.


At Newealth we are always looking to support and promote our clients wherever possible and if you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to email me or to call me on +61 2 9267 2322.

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