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14 Oct 2020

10 Investment Themes for the next 10 years

Digital disruption is here and it is fascinating to see its impact on the global workforce and how it will help drive economic prosperity.

The attached research details the following 10 investment themes that are expected to drive the next 10 years.

  1.     The big keep getting bigger
  2.     Cloud demand is sky-high
  3.     Innovative leader may emerge in emerging markets
  4.     The prognosis looks good for a cancer cure
  5.     House calls are coming to health care
  6.     Content is king, but streaming is the kingdom
  7.     Artificial intelligence could spark the next tech revolution
  8.     Self-driving card may rule the roads
  9.     ESG could be a pillar of portfolios
  10.     The US China rivalry may define geopolitics


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