28 Feb 2023
Warren Buffett, The Oracle of Omaha: Track record
- Posted by Dejan Pekic BCom DipFP CFP GAICD, Senior Financial Planner
Warren Buffett age 92 is the Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.
Berkshire Hathaway is effectively a LIC (Listed Investment Company) which invests in both listed companies and private companies.
Buffett together with his co-Portfolio Manager Charlie Munger age 99 have been making the investment decisions for 58 years (1965-2022) and their track record against the index is next level.
At the end of December 2022 it stands at 9.9% per annum in excess performance over 58 years for a diversified portfolio of 65 distinct companies.
Click to read.
Hard to imagine that this track record of consistency will be beaten going forward.
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