3 Jul 2023
Market Metrics: ASX Winners & Losers (Part One)
- Posted by Dejan Pekic BCom DipFP CFP GAICD, Senior Financial Planner
Investing is hard.
Attached is a 1 year performance table to the end of 30 June 2023 for all 2,077 publically listed companies on the ASX (Australian Stock Exchange).
It ranks them in order of highest gainers to biggest losers.
Even though the ASX returned 15.27% in total to 30 June 2023 the numbers still confirm that investors had 1,349 opportunities to either lose money or not make any money at all.
Meaning that 64.9% of all the publically listed companies on the ASX were either loss makers or dud investments.
Click for table.
Investing is definately hard and challenging which is why the smart money seeks to employ the best PMs (Portfolio Managers) that money can buy and their job is to find the winners and not invest in the losers.
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